
We Manage
Your Bussiness.

Provides you all type of services like Employment background verification,
Insurance Investigation, Banking Service, & Digital Marketing Solutions

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Everyday Is
New Beginning.

You need to be in the right place at the right time to reach your audience.
We can help you find the people who are already listening.

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Your goals, our services


All types of verification & marketing survey

Employment Background Verification

Background Screening of the Employee

Banking Services

Verify Customer Identities & Address.

NE Excel Services
360° Digital Service

Helps you to reach your audience

Address & Document Verification

Initial Address & Document Verification

Insurance Investigation

Verification of Insurance Claims



Background Screening is the most essential tool in order to prevent the organization from various risks related to the hiring as they have to know and verify all about the employee they are hiring. It is the pre-employment procedure to identify the employee and his background as his Qualification, Experience, Criminal Records, Drug Abuse, Address Field Investigation, Identity of Employee, CBIL Score Check and many more and everything that employer wants to know about their Employees.


We have achieved remarkable growth in the space of rendering credible administrations for the Verification of Insurance Claims. In numerous protection guarantee cases protection, the specialist rapidly needs to locate the genuine conditions of the case. At times exploitative customers will in general bend or even stow away essential data and certainties. Insurance agencies regularly need to unveil protection misrepresentation and take viable counter-measures. Give us a chance to help our customers with it.

Banking Services


Banks and NBFCs have the major risk of fraud and cheating. Companies dealing with loans and other financial services need to know their customer in a better way. They have termed this as Know Your Customer or KYC. It is required for the customer to avoid risks such as loan defaults or frauds and cheatings. Banks and NBFCs need to verify their customer’s identities and address for basic banking services.


360° of Digital Services

Digital Marketing

We use storytelling to create a deeper connection with your audience.
The marketing landscape is crowded with organizations making noise — but, the solution isn’t to be louder. You need to be in the right place at the right time to reach your audience. We can help you find the people who are already listening.

Our digital marketing services:

  • Campaign Strategy & Planning
  • Media Planning & Management
  • Google Adwords / PPC
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Analytics & Reporting
Digital Marketing Company at Guwahati Northeast India

Website Development

Designing a website means creating a user journey end to end.

Your online platforms need to work for your business, showing your audience what you can do for them. Great design combined with user-friendly features creates a compelling digital experience.
What we build works as good as it looks.

We can help you with:

  • Product & Service Websites
  • eCommerce Sites
  • Mobile Web-Apps
  • SEO
  • Content Strategy
Website Development Company at Guwahati Northeast India

Brand Identity

Your corporate identity is the first touchpoint customers have with your business and a powerful driver for success.
Our team can help your brand resonate with its audience and carry on an emotional impact.

We can help you with:

  • Brand Identity Development
  • Logo Creation
  • Graphic Design
  • Corporate Stationary
Brand Development Company at Guwahati Northeast India

Photo & Videography

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Photo and Videography Company at Guwahati Northeast India

Content Marketing

Content is the top most priority for us. Our content is precise and business oriented. The purpose of our content is to establish a transparent bond between a business and its users driven by faith and nobility.
We provide various types of content marketing depending on the requirements of a business.

  • Blogging
  • Landing pages
  • Social media
  • Press release
  • Email Marketing
Content Marketing Company at Guwahati Northeast India

How Does Excel Works



The right strategy will drive your business forward. Starting with an immersive discovery process, we get to know your company and understand your goals. Then, we map out a strategy that will achieve those goals in the smartest way possible



Your online platforms need to work for your business, showing your audience what you can do for them. Great design combined with user-friendly features creates a compelling digital experience. What we build works as good as it looks.



The marketing landscape is crowded with organizations making noise—but, the solution isn’t to be louder. You need to be in the right place at the right time to reach your audience. We can help you find the people who are already listening.


Our Achievements

NE Excel providing Employment background verification, Insurance Investigation, Banking Service, Digital Marketing, Website Development, Photo & Videography, and other Marketing solutions to the leading giants operating on the Circle of Assam and the North East

16 +

Years Experienced

300 +

Team Members

30 +

Best Marketing Company at Guwahati Northeast India
NE Excel Tata Achievement
NE Excel HDFC Achievement

Boost your business with Excel


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    Some friends we have made while working together.